EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator Boosts Independence

 In Lifestyle, Mobility Aids, Uncategorized

Image Credit: Stander

A person with a mobility impairment can benefit from regular physical activity with the added support of an EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator, which allows the user to move independently and with confidence. The rollator is available at Carmichael’s retail locations, and we have provided more information below that you or a loved one may find useful if you’re trying to decide on purchasing one.

Advantages to using the EZ-Fold-N-Go

The EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator is durable and functions well outdoors, just as it does indoors. It is lightweight and can easily be placed in a vehicle or other form of transportation. The walker is 14.5 lbs., made of high-grade aircraft aluminum and folds three times smaller than the average rollator. Once folded, just clip the buckle on the backrest to keep the rollator from unraveling while lifting or transporting.

You can sit on the EZ-Fold-N-Go Rollator for both comfort and stability in public places when you need to rest from walking. Its built-in seat supports up to 250 lbs. and provides the convenience to take short breaks while walking in the park or shopping centers. It also has hand brakes to slow down and a parking brake for the user to push down on the handle when using the seat.

This modern rollator offers maximum storage capacity with the convenience of its front nylon organizer pouch and mesh hanging basket for keeping personal belongings close. The padded back rest on the rollator provides extra support when sitting down and adjusts in height when extending the handles.

Purchasing a Rollator

While the EZ-Fold-N-Go Rollator may not be suitable for everyone that needs a walker, it is a great option if your situation allows for it. Using the rollator can help you maintain independence and an active lifestyle. Take it with you when traveling, going to the store, eating at a restaurant, or just maneuvering tight spaces around the house. You should always discuss with your doctor about whether it is suitable for you.

The EZ-Fold-N-Go rollator is available in two sizes: Standard and Short. It also comes in three colors: Black Walnut, Cobalt Blue, and Regal Rose. Medicare Part B may cover a rollator if a doctor prescribes it for use in your home. Contact a Carmichael’s location during our normal hours of operation for a billing specialist to check your insurance coverage.


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