Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Poison Ivy Treatment Options and Compounded Medication

Summer is here, and many people are enjoying nature and the outdoors with activities such as hikes and tours. If you have ever walked in a wooded area, you may have encountered poison ivy. It can be found throughout the United States except for Alaska, Hawaii, and parts of the west coast. It also grows in gardens, parks and near sidewalks. Continue reading to learn more about poison ivy and how Carmichael’s Compounding Pharmacy services can help with treatment.

What is poison ivy?

Poison ivy is a common plant that produces an oil called urushiol. The substance is found in the plant’s leaves, stems and roots. Most people who come into contact with urushiol develop an itchy rash within 12-48 hours after exposure to the plant.

Common poison ivy rash symptoms include itching, redness and swelling. Rashes from poison ivy plants usually go away within two weeks. Treatment includes over the counter and prescription medications. If you have a severe reaction after exposure to a poison ivy plant such as difficulty breathing or a fever, go to the emergency room immediately.

What is the best medicine for poison ivy?

The best poison ivy medication for you depends on several factors, including your medical history and severity of your case. Your doctor or pharmacist can provide medication recommendations.

What helps cure poison ivy?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, if you come into contact with poison ivy, wash the affected area with lukewarm, soapy water as soon as possible. This will help remove urushiol from your skin and reduce the severity of the rash. Wash the garments you wore when you touched the poisonous plant because urushiol can stick to clothing and cause another rash.

A rash due to poison ivy can be treated with home remedies if it is mild and on a small area of skin. Hydrocortisone and steroid prescriptions and over-the-counter medications are widely used to treat poison ivy symptoms.

Poison Ivy Medications

Carmichael’s Retail Pharmacy can fill prescriptions for steroid creams. Calamine lotions, hydrocortisone creams and pain relievers help reduce itch and inflammation. Over-the-counter medication available at the pharmacy include brands such as OFF, Family Care spray, Caladryl anti-itch lotion, Aveeno anti-itch lotion, Campho-phenique, Gold Bond anti-itch lotion. Benadryl is also available to help relieve poison ivy symptoms associated with allergic reactions.

Carmichael’s Compounding Pharmacy offers innovative treatment options for patients. Our compounding pharmacists can compound creams and ointments tailored to your needs, with a doctor’s prescription. Compounding can help a dermatologist to prescribe customized medications, including those with ingredients that are not available commercially.

Another benefit of using compounding is the patient will usually have one prescription for customized medication instead of several different commercial medications that have separate instructions. Compounded medications are also convenient, cost-effective and help minimize side effects. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about compounding, feel free to contact us.