Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Orthopedic Products for Kids with Fractures and Sprains

Did you know that falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries for children? “Every day, approximately 8,000 children are treated in U.S. emergency rooms for fall-related injuries,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A fall can result in a fracture, which is a partial or complete break in a bone. Fractures in kids are usually associated with various injuries such as falls from heights, bike accidents, and sports injuries.

Common childhood fractures include a broken arm or elbow, collarbone or shoulder, forearm, wrist, hand, ankle, foot, or leg. Symptoms vary such as a deformed or out-of-place limb or joint, trouble using or moving the injured area, or numbness, pain and swelling in the injured area. Children also are prone to strains and sprains that affect ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Signs of a strain or sprain are pain, redness, warmth, and limited range of motion in the injured joint or muscle.

FLA Microban® wrist splint

Most childhood fractures are non-displaced fractures in which the bone usually stays aligned in an acceptable position for healing and is treated with a cast, brace, or splint to immobilize the injured bone and promote healing. Displaced fractures are severe and require surgery, or a reduction to set a broken bone back into alignment to heal properly. The amount of time for a broken bone to heal depends on the age of the child and the type of fracture. Recovery can last from a couple of weeks to a few months.

For a minor ankle sprain, recovery can take place within two to three weeks. The healing time for a more severe ankle sprain can last longer, for several weeks. Treatment will depend on your child’s symptoms, age, and general health. The use of an orthopedic product will aid in the healing process. A physician will be able to properly diagnose a fracture or sprain and decide treatment.

FLA Pediatric Canvas Rocker Bottom Cast Shoes

Carmichael’s locations carry a variety of quality FLA Orthopedics products for kids that include pediatric supports such as the FLA Microban® wrist splints, cradle arm slings, canvas rocker bottom cast shoes, clavicle supports, elastic shoulder immobilizers and more. Our Retail Pharmacy can fill prescriptions for pain management medication. Contact or visit a Carmichael’s location to discuss orthopedic product needs, request additional information, or purchase.