Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Managing Malnutrition with Oral Supplements

A poor diet and lack of proper nutrition results in malnutrition. Certain health conditions such as an eating disorder or a chronic illness can also cause undernourishment. The effects of malnutrition include a bloated abdomen, delayed growth in children, and obesity.


Additional common signs of malnutrition include:


Prompt diagnosis and treatment can prevent or delay the development and complications of malnutrition. The healthcare provider’s treatment plan will depend on the severity of the undernourishment and the presence of any underlying conditions. The dietitian will discuss and create a diet plan of healthful food choices and dietary patterns with the patient. Regular monitoring and oral nutritional supplements may be included to help ensure an appropriate intake of calories and nutrients.

Oral Nutrition Supplements

Oral nutritional supplements are liquids, powders and solids that provide calories, protein, vitamins and minerals to ensure proper nutritional intake. Benefits of oral nutritional supplements include improved body weight, cognitive function, physical activity, reduced risk of post-surgery complications and decreased length of hospital stay (reducing healthcare costs).

Carmichael’s oral supplements service line is accredited by The Joint Commission, and our reputable customer service makes it easier for patients to obtain the nutritional supplements they need. We offer one of the largest selections of oral products available in our service area. Products supplied by Carmichael’s include quality brands and distributors.

Carmichael’s Retail and Compounding Pharmacies in Crowley also can assist with the prescribing process with the knowledge base of our highly trained staff. Carmichael’s has experienced licensed pharmacists and technicians on staff working closely with the healthcare professional or the primary caregiver to provide the patient with proper nutritional intake. An individual may purchase oral nutritional supplements at Carmichael’s locations in Crowley, Lafayette and Lake Charles by contacting a Carmichael’s representative. Products also can be shipped directly to your residence.

Helping a Loved One

You can help a loved one prevent or treat malnutrition by highlighting the importance of nutrition in the hospital and their home. Treat them to meal at a restaurant or make use of quality time by cooking a nutritious meal with them. Checking on them will help ensure they are eating enough and getting adequate nutrition. Watch for signs of malnutrition and suggest accompanying them to their next appointment with a healthcare professional.