Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Brace Yourself: Getting Knee Support for Knee Pain

If you’ve experienced minor knee pain from arthritis or playing contact sports, you may benefit from using a knee support product. Knee pain symptoms range include swelling, stiffness, redness, crunching or popping noises and weakness.

Several factors can increase your risk of having knee problems, including:

Certain knee injuries can lead to increasing pain, joint damage and disability if left untreated. Knowing more about how to pick the best knee brace to treat your injury and support your needs by using a knee support can make the process less stressful. There are several types of knee braces available to choose from, such as sleeves, wraparound braces, hinged braces, and straps:

The right knee brace for you depends on your individualized needs and/or what your doctor recommends. The following suggestions may help prevent injuries and joint deterioration:

Practicing good self-care measures will help stay physically active and be more mindful of giving your knees the support they need. Carmichael’s retail locations in Crowley, Lafayette and Lake Charles offer a variety of knee support products, including knee braces. Carmichael’s Retail Pharmacy in Crowley also fills prescriptions for knee pain and also offers over-the-counter medications.