Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Which mobility aid is better? Rollators vs. Walkers

When it comes to mobility aids for those who have trouble moving around at home, people get confused about the difference between rollators and standard walkers. Walkers are assistive devices that provide basic stability and helps individuals move around. Rollators, also referred to as rolling walkers, are typically more modern and fashionable.

Walkers are available in a variety of frame sizes, folding and non-folding, adjustable heights and with other features. A standard walker has four legs, rubber-based feet and do not have wheels in the front. A walker without wheels must be lifted and moved forward before each step. It is ideal for people who need considerable weight-bearing support, or who are walking short distances. A two-wheeled walker comes in handy for people with balance issues. It has the same four-leg style as a standard walker except they have wheels on the two front legs. This feature allows you to easily push the walker forward without lifting, while the back legs glide across the floor, providing support while you move forward.

Like walkers, rollators have a variety of features including folding easily. They come equipped with a built-in seat that is usually padded, except the 3-wheeled rollator. Depending on the type, a rollator has three or four wheels and have casters and brakes. A rollator can have height-adjustable handles, a height-adjustable seat, and hand brakes. It also is available in heavy duty to support individuals with a higher weight capacity. Rollators are suitable for minimal support because they provide less stability than basic walkers do, and are only recommended when the user needs minimal support.

Your sole needs will determine whether a walker may be the right fit for you, or you may require a rollator. Work with your doctor or a physical therapist, who can give you a written prescription for your mobility aid. Educate yourself about the features of your device so you can make an informed decision. Then visit a Carmichael’s medical equipment store, so you can ask our knowledgeable staff additional questions and test a few walkers or rollators.

You should purchase a walker that provides you with the best mobility without sacrificing your safety. It is also important to make sure the walker’s weight capacity and height will support you. Accessories for walkers can be added for your convenience such as food tray attachments and oxygen tank holders. Rollators are usually more expensive than walkers, and accessories such as baskets and pouches can be purchased for them.

If you are unsure whether your insurance will cover the cost of your mobility aid, a Carmichael’s billing specialist will be happy to check with your insurance company, Medicare or Medicaid. Please contact a Carmichael’s representative or visit a Carmichael’s medical equipment store to discuss your needs or to request additional information.