Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Wash Those Hands for Happy, Healthy Holidays!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and let’s face it, no one is trying to get sick with a cold, the flu or other contagious illness! We’re thinking of food (not the contaminated kind), family time and giving back to the less fortunate. Not passing along germs that can easily spread by disregarding safe handwashing habits is important, too.

It’s National Handwashing Awareness Week, and we think this is the perfect time to remind everyone that the risk of infection is ever-present, especially during the holidays. Let’s begin with the basics. The 4 Principles of Hand Awareness were endorsed by the American Medical Association and American Academy of Family Physicians in 2001:

  1. Wash your hands when they are dirty and before eating.
  2. Do not cough into hands.
  3. Do not sneeze into hands.
  4. Above all, do not put your fingers in your eyes, nose or mouth!

You can break the chain of infection by washing your hands properly and thoroughly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), washing with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes (germs) on your hands. The entire handwashing procedure should last 40-60 seconds to ensure clean hands. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. When using hand sanitizers, remember to use an ample amount of the product to ensure the sanitizer lasts on your hands for 20-30 seconds (read the label to learn the correct amount).

Here are a few tips on when and how to wash your hands:

  1. Wash your hands after certain activities around the house such as using the toilet; before, during and after preparing food; touching an animal; blowing your nose; coughing; sneezing; or, frequently touching items, such as door handles.
  2. Wet your hands with clean running water (warm or cold), turn off the faucet, and apply soap. Latheryour hands by rubbing them together with the soap for 40-60 seconds. It also is suggested that if you need a timer, sing the “Happy Birthday Song” twice for as long as it takes. Rinse your hands well.
  3. Dry hands completely with paper towels! Ta-da, all done!

Feel free to share these tips with friends and family, and remind children about the importance of washing their hands. If you need antibacterial soap, visit any Carmichael’s location for a great selection of hand soaps to help keep you and your loved ones’ hands clean and germ free!