Carmichael's Pharmacy & Medical Equipment

Walker Balls, Walker Accessories

Walker balls and glides allow a walker to slide easier and help make it easier to control for those with muscle weakness or reduced balance. If you or a loved one use a walker, it’s important to know how walker balls, glides and accessories allow smooth walking.

Walker balls are inexpensive and can be replaced when worn out. They are available in a variety of colors to suit preferences. Walker glides resemble actual skis and also pop right on the rear legs of a walker with front wheels. They allow better strolling on various surfaces. A walker bag and basket also are popular accessories because they carry personal belongings while the user’s hands are on the walker. A walker food tray helps make carrying food and drinks easier and safer. A clip-on cup holder can be snapped on to the walker and swivels for easy access.

Carmichael’s offers a great selection of walker balls and accessories for you or a loved one who uses a walker. Call or visit any of our locations for more information and assistance to keep you strolling smoothly. Ask about our line of quality assorted walkers and rollators, too.